Tower Foundation's Annual Charity Bowl-a-thon

was held this past Friday, October 6th, 2017.

Tournament results as follows:

1ST PLACE:  South Tampa's Jeanette Hurtado led Team "A-Picca-lypse" into 1st place with her whopping score of 133.  Other members of the team included Dr. David Picca, Dr. Miguel Del Toro, Brenda Doty, James Doty, Denise Fontes, Margaret Hadley and Sadie Villegas.  Team average: 110.
2ND PLACE:  Team "Rao's Wreckers": Dr. Nisha Rao, Dr. Trey Remaley, Dr. Jeff Jones, Amy Johnson, Josh Judd, Adele Rodriguez, Sheily Lopez and Robin Aker.  Team average:  91.
3RD PLACE:  Team "Katie's Killers":  Dr. Katie Lester, Jillian Harber, Kathy Parlatto, Janely Flores, Darilis Pagan, Maylin Lucena, Cindy Gonzalez and Jackie Guillem.  Team average:  80.
4TH PLACE:  Team "Prakash's Pinheads":  Dr. Neal Prakash, Dr. Amy Prakash, Dr. Anjali Gandhy, Dr. Chetan Gandhy, Nadeen Melendez, Amanda Mastrapan, Matt Alexander and Karen Cabrera. Team average 79.9.
5TH PLACE:  Team "Krishna's Krushers":  Dr. Krishna Nallamshetty, Dr. Sami Nallamshetty, Dr. Chad Engle, Vanessa Rivera, Lowell Tamayo, Gladys Rivera and Cynthia Vidal.  Team average 78.
6TH PLACE:  Team "Annie's Bombers":  Dr. John Feldman, Dr. Kyle Lueke, Annie Hammond, Jaileen Perez, Janet Gallar, Yvette Sanchez and Latoya Owens.  Team average 75.
1ST PLACE INDIVIDUAL:   Dr. Jeff Jones, USF Radiology Resident, with a score of 158.